こんにちは! techtekt編集部です!
インドのジャイプール出身。大学のキャンパスリクルートで日本の会社に採用され、その研修所で一年ほど日本語を勉強した後、2007年に来日。その後、GMOインターネットグループ、ヤフー、イグニスなどで、Eコマース系のウェブやiOSアプリの開発を行い、オフショアエンジニアチームとブリッジマネジャーとしても勤務。好きな技術はjavascript(reactやvuejs)、バックエンドはphp。話せる言語は日本語、英語、ヒンディ語(ナマステ ^O^)。
I am from Jaipur, a city in northern part of India. I was recruited by a Japanese company during college recruitment. After learning Japanese at their training center in India for an year, I came to Japan in 2007. Since then I have worked in various companies like GMO Internet group, Yahoo japan, Ignis etc. as web developer/ios engineer developing various in-house data management systems and e-commerce applications. I also have experience managing and working as bridge engineer with offshore teams in Philippines, Europe and Vietnam.
My main language for development is javascript (reactjs, vuejs) and php for backend.
I can speak in Japanese, English and my mother tongue, Hindi, so I am all ears for diverse conversations.
I joined Persol Career in November 2019. After going through orientations and getting myself acquainted with the projects going on for about a month, I have been working as project owner/developer for creating an in-house data management system to manage job candidates data.
前職での知り合いが元インテリジェンスの方で、パーソルキャリアも採用x技術に力を入れている、HR Tech系のシステムを作っていると聞いていましたが、単純にdodaのキャリアコンサルサービスの運用チームになっているというイメージでした。
I had heard from a friend, who had worked at Intelligence, that Persol career is basically a company dealing in HRTech, but I had imagined that they would be creating and maintaining legacy systems for doda.
- エンジニア成長のため、いろいろと新しい制度の導入を行っていること
- みんなチャレンジ精神が高く、新しいことを学びたい気持ちを持っている
- ワークライフバランスが良い
- エンジニアグループの働き方のスタイルがフレキシブル(リモートワーク、有給など)
- Perks like free seminars, regular meetups and tech books are quite good
- Engineers are highly motivated and want to keep on learning new technologies
- Work-Life balance is good
- Flexible work style (ability to do remote work, vacations etc.)
- レガシーシステムの運用・レガシー技術はあっまり使ってなくて、最新の技術で開発やっていることが本当驚いた。
- 社内に意外と英語で話せる人たちがいること。比較的に外国人が働きやすい会社かなと思いました。
- I was quite surprised upon hearing that the engineers aren’t maintaining legacy systems and are mainly working with latest technologies like Google cloud, vuejs/nuxtjs etc.
- There are quite a few people who you can converse in English with. I think its comparatively a better place to work for foreigners.
Want to make full use of my experience till now to help support engineering team’s growth and creating products.
I want to challenge myself by delving into cloud infra related technologies to improve on my skillset.
Apart from that, I am always there to offer a helping hand as photographer for company’s marketing wing.
サービス企画開発本部 サービス開発統括部