転職してみてどうですか?/How's your new job? Vol.158 Thauさん


 パーソルキャリアで働く社員に、入社前のイメージから入社後の驚いたギャップまで聞く、"転職してみてどうですか?"シリーズ Vol.158は、PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAMにフロントエンドリーダーとしてご入社されたThauさん。大学ではコンピューターサイエンスを専攻されていたそうです。


Hello! This is the techtekt editorial depertment!

In our "How's your new job?" series, we ask employees working at PERSOL CAREER about everything from their pre-hire image to the gaps they were surprised to find after joining the company.

vol.158 is about Thau, who majored in Computer Science and joined as a Frontend leader.



I majored in Computer Science but after I graduated in 2013, I was interested in web technology and I worked as a Frontend developer for an outsourcing company. I have been working as a Frontend developer for about 8 years and become Tech lead for 2 years in a European company.

Until 2018, I was mainly using AngularJS, Jquery, and Javascript for networking and advertising projects. Since 2019, I have worked intensively on ReactJS and TypeScript until now. After that, I took a chance to join PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM as a Frontend Leader.



When did you join PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM? and what is your role in the company?

I joined PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM in March 2023 as a Frontend Leader. I’m responsible for managing the team, providing technical support for existing applications as needed, and managing tasks and project progress. I conduct code reviews to ensure that the new code follows best practices and communicate with bridge engineers and stakeholders to make sure applications meet functional and design requirements.


―PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAMに「入社前」はどのような会社だとイメージしていましたか?
What kind of image do you have for PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM before joining in?

In the beginning, I knew PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM is a startup company and associate company of Persol Group in Japan. And the company is building some projects to help people with career development.



What is your impression of the company after joining?

<良いギャップ> Good thing

  • Very nice and friendly welcoming.
  • Members are supportive for my onboarding.
  • Many guidelines and documents for projects.
  • Working on a modern project which adopts top-notch tech stacks.
  • We’re applying for work from home policy.


<驚いたギャップ> Surprised thing

  • Very nice and beautiful workplace.
  • We have our own esa tool to manage and publish content and documents.




- What would you like to try in PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM?

I would like to be a part of PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM and build a great product for Persol. And I will try to work hard and contribute as much as possible to the company.




