転職してみてどうですか?/How's your new job? Vol.144 Hoangさん


 パーソルキャリアで働く社員に、入社前のイメージから入社後の驚いたギャップまで聞く、"転職してみてどうですか?"シリーズ Vol.144は、PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAMにご入社されたHoangさん。いろいろな”カルチャー”での就業経験があるHoangさんの入社後レポートをどうぞ!


Hello! This is the techtekt editorial depertment!

In our "How's your new job?" series, we ask employees working at PERSOL CAREER about everything from their pre-hire image to the gaps they were surprised to find after joining the company.

vol.144 is about Hoang, who has joined PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM and an experience to work in several international companies. Please take a look at his interview report.



Before joining PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM, I was working in the education business  which was responsible for supporting teachers and students to increase productivity and optimize teaching and learning. With my knowledge of Library React.JS, I had a chance to get familiar with Server Side Rendering which was Next.JS - a framework based on the core of React.JS and I used Apollo client to enables to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. In addition, my team was working with the Scrum framework. 

I was in charge of researching and applying new techniques to the project. For example, building the model of Single Sign On, deploying the real time News, building UI for a library, etc.



When did you join PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM? and what is your role in the company?

Joined the company on 1st November 2022 and will be mainly in charge of development as a Frontend engineer with my knowledge of Library ReactJS, NextJS, RestFul, GraphQL, etc.


―PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAMに「入社前」はどのような会社だとイメージしていましたか?
What kind of image do you have for PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM before joining in?

Before joining PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM, I was quite worried because PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM is a new Japanese company. So it will not have a full working process as well as a working culture that is not similar to Vietnamese companies, and ​​I don't know whether I'm suitable for this place?



What is your impression of the company after joining?

<良いギャップ> Good thing

  • Performing a training project before joining another one.

  • Our boss is pleasant and cool.

  • Large technical support network.


<驚いたギャップ> Surprised thing

  • Personal security is great.

  • Many tools are used at work.



- What would you like to try in PERSOL CAREER TECH STUDIO VIETNAM?

I will try my best to become a core member as soon as possible, without forgetting to be grateful to everything around me.




